Every one of you whose eyes has landed on this page occupied a womb, once upon a time. You existed in stillness and warmth. In isolation, surrounded by waters of life that sustained your body as you grew and came together piece by piece, completing a beautiful journey only to start another one on a completely different plane. This time around, the physical body occupied by a soul. Your beautiful connection to universal oneness with all things.

There was and is a deep level of intelligence instilled in the processes that lead to our physical manifestation. A collaboration between Spirit, and the physical plane we are on.

What crosses your mind when you hear the phrase, ‘I was born ready’?
Many of us get very triggered because of what we’ve internalized for years. Years of having to support yourself in spaces where one should have had an abundance of outward support and presence, we come to believe that we really are here alone, to do this ‘life thing’.

To live, learn, dream, explore, alone.

How true is this statement when we each have a long line of ancestors that stand with us? People who have journeyed here before our existence and done what they could within their capacity to prepare a landing for our arrival?

It gets easier. We can lean into the voices from the womb, our intuition. That deep-seeded tingle, feeling, tug, voice that calls on you when you’re playing small, when you’re letting your ego run the show, when you’re about to give up but you have a few steps to get to your treasure trove, when you’re about to give up on something that will grow to benefit more than just you. In many other circumstances too, the voice that ‘pats your back’ for staying the course, for seeing tough things through, for resting when you deeply needed to, for saying NO, for letting go of what no longer served you…

It takes time but it is very possible to tune in. To re-member and become. Join us as we explore what mor can come from us when we become bolder about our existence.

Karibu to ‘Musings Of An “Other”